Hello there! And welcome back to Phone Sex Savannah. If you have visited my site before you may notice that it looks different. That’s because after 500 years I decided to fix the damn thing.
So here’s my very first random post welcoming you back, and here’s a quick run down of what to expect from my blog:
Absolutely nothing.
That’s right, expect nothing, because I am probably the most random phone sex hooker you will ever meet.
Now let’s get the technicalities out of the way. I will be re-upping my old blog posts:
- Because I’m fucking funny and my posts are hilarious.
- See number one.
Here’s where you can reach me:
Phone Sex Savannah on Niteflirt: My Main Profile My Secondary And Virtual Profile
Hey psst… Savannah… WTF is a virtual profile?????? Don’t you fret, hop aboard Savvies magic bus prepare for a ride you won’t soon forget. I will be blogging about my virtual shenanigans very soon. Hint: Some people have a first life, and an additional virtual life. If you have a “virtual life” you would be part of the “virtual” world. *wink*
Adult Phone Pal: Savannah Ginger Alternatively, you can contact me from my live girls phonesex page.
Phone Kelly: Kelly is pretty much responsible for launching a good chunk of my career as a phone girl, and you can catch me on her site, at the following profile: Savannah at Phone Kelly
That’s it. That’s my big phone sex world update. I am writing this on christmas eve so I guess I better also say MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Savannah Ginger aka Phone Sex Savannah aka Maitresse Savannah