I’m cutting straight to the chase here: When you call for phone sex: You are paying for entertainment, you are paying for fantasy, you are paying for someone’s time. And if you are expecting to meet your dream girl, or marry her, or make her your girlfriend, you are confusing fantasy with reality, and you are going to be sadly disappointed.
Phone Sex Is An Entertainment Service
I am a business woman, and as such I do not “date” customers. I also charge for my time. The only guys who get pissed off about this, are those that cannot differentiate between the two. So if you read this and it makes you a pissy pants, it’s because you were expecting to get something that is outside of what I offer. And you are wrong in that expectation.
This is a piggy back off the last blog I did, where I discussed virtual services and the men that are in the virtual landscape, because they are a piece of work…. BUT this applies to phone sex, cam girls, adult performers. I provide the girlfriend experience, but I am not your girlfriend.
What Sex Workers Provide
What we are providing is the exact opposite of a girlfriend or a wife, and yes, phone relationships, and provider client relationships are a thing, however they do not cross that line into “real life” and this is because this is how we make a living. It is a form of virtual companionship, and fantasy combined, without the restrictions on ethics and morality and like.. the law of physics lmao!
I dislike feeling like I’m preaching, and I promise you I will get back to posting sexy stuff, but first, I have to say I’m a realist, and this is simply a reminder to anyone who is a patron of sex workers (or a patron saint of sex workers), that this is a line we do not cross. Do some cross it? Yeah, however it’s not the smartest thing to do. No disrespect to anyone who has.
Social Media Changes And Staying Connected
In conclusion, I’d like to change the subject, to social media really fast. I’m not sure what twitter has planned for its platform, but I do know that I like finding new places to meet up with other sexy sex workers, and you guys. With that said, I would love for you to subscribe to my podcast, subscribe to my blog, and follow me on all my links. Allmylinks is an awesome site because on there you can find all the places where I offer my services, new content for sale and in the event that twitter goes the tumblr route, you will be able to contact me outside of twitter.
You can also get push notifications directly from this site, or email me at savannah@phonesexsavannah.com Need to hear my sexy voice guiding you to Valhalla? Call 1-800-863-5478 ext: 9825293 on NiteFlirt. Have a great humpday!
Savannah Ginger